
Paper Playground Press is a micropress, publishing one to two manuscripts annually as picture chapbooks in Portland, OR, USA. 

We are interested in stories involving niche audiences of under-represented/Invisible Kids: manuscripts don’t have to feature the special interest as an “issue-story”, but it should show how that factor impacts the community around the characters. 

Special interests include but are not limited to: neurodiversity, foster families, children of color (especially multiracial), lifestyle options, alternative religions, unusual hobbies or activities, queer identity and disabilities of all kinds including chronic conditions. 

We prefer stories with human or fantastical creatures instead of animal-substitutions. Please do not hesitate to submit stories featuring children of other cultures BUT you must include feedback from cultural sensitivity readers you have already worked with. 

We will prioritize stories with humor or a sense of fun. Think of what stories you as adults want to read over and over--- if you get tired of it, so will the kids!

As a micropress we will review manuscripts on a rolling basis, but expect a month or two delay in response, and work that doesn’t fit our guidelines will not get a response. 

Our books are all crowdfunded before going to print, which requires engagement in the process from everyone involved. Authors, illustrators and a combo are welcome. Unrepresented creatives are welcome but please know you will be expected to negotiate contracts, do marketing activity, may have additional editing and other supplemental tasks. If you have an author/illustrator team already, please indicate that in your submission letter. 

If this sounds like your story, please email us at with a query letter to begin the process. If we are interested in seeing a pdf of your 500-wordish manuscript, we will contact you within 60 days. We look forward to meeting your book babies! And yes, we know this is long… it’s your first hurdle, to see if you read all the way to the bottom and know what to submit.

Our first book, Rodrigo Runs Off: An Autism Adventure, was successfully funded on kickstarter in October/November 2020! (Because all kids deserve to be seen.) You can order picture chapbooks on our store page, and ebooks on Kobo.